Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Comment Azkia for her performance
Comment Ayu Rosalina for her performance.

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Here is a speech by Purbo Suseno, a student of SMA 1 Demak, graduated in 2013.
The speech was presented at the speech competition in UNNES (ESA WEEK) in 2012.


April 20th 1889, a boy was born in a little village in Austria, and 44 years later he became German Chancellor. He led German forces and started the WWII. He is Adolf Hitler. I think you have already known about his crime. Starting war, Racism; The Holocaust; the genocide crime of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, and also his Indoctrination, especially for the young people to follow his path or even worship him. But after all of his Bad Attitude, we have something to learn from him. Not “how to shape your mustache like tempe”. But it’s how he influences people to follow the way he thinks. He says “Tell a lie, make the lie big, keep saying it repeatedly and eventually they will believe it”. The same pattern occurs in Indonesia, especially in our mass media.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mass Media refers to all media technologies that are intended to reach a large scale of audience via mass communication.
A good mass media, should concern more on utility of Information instead of sensationalisms. It should educate people to think and aware of the situation.
The problem is that mass media in Indonesia is out of control. Judging Power is the power of Media to judge a person or an institution whether they are right or wrong and sometimes it’s not even based on fact. Now, they’re doing that to worsen the image of the government.
They create false reality; reducing the fact on the news that being reported, well in this case is our government. They filter the news, reporting the badness of the government with bigger rations, so what people of Indonesia always hear is failure, incapability, and of course LIE.
Now that they’ve told lies, they need to make it believed. The media keeps report that false reality again and again. They‘re being creative on serving the news using different format; Interview, Talk shows, Polling, or Live reporting. Sometime, they report different news but it still contains the same ideas about how bad the government is.
Proper example of this was the corruption case. Media blew up every corruption cases like Century Bank, Nazaruddin, Angelina Sondakh, and many more. They make us think that our president is failed dealing with corruption. They direct us to see only the bad side of the president. They keep report it over and over, interviewing politician that not neutrals and do nothing but babbling and mocking the government keep worsen the situation. Finally, people lost their faith to the government and SBY it self. They rebelling, riot is every where asking the president to resign.
Think and examine Ladies and Gentlemen! The government is doing a great job revealing the corruption. The President and his KPK is being objective on these cases. It is proven by the likes of Nazaruddin and Angelina Sondakh who are the president’s men, was named as a suspect. SBY do not interfere the law to save his men. President SBY found KPK to reveal corruption cases, and now he accused to be a failed president because too many cases revealed. That is false reality! Or what I prefer to call a LIE.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have to be aware of this kind of conspiracy. We should be wise no to accept every information shown by the media. Open your eyes wide and see what’s happen surrounds you! Use your heart and your mind to decide which is right or what is wrong. Once again think and examine Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for your kindly attention, Good Morning

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